
Oil on Wood Panels

Hope: 36″ x 48″

Thrive: 48″ x 60″

Wound: 36″ x 48″


TRILOGY…a project that required my focus for several months was featured at Spectrum Health Hospital during ArtPrize 10. This project took me out of the normal process of creating art, and into the realm of depicting something from my spirit, something I had sensed through prayer. Within each one of us, there is hope of becoming all we were meant to be. And yet life sometimes brings the wound that is an unexpected turn, and has the potential of disabling. God wants to meet us in that dark place of questioning and walk with us to the other side. It is His desire that we live our lives in fullness of joy. 1 Corinthians 2:7 says, “His secret purpose from the very beginning is to bring us to our full glory.”